What is the HK Prize?

The HK Prize is an award that celebrates science and technology innovation, presented annually by Bank of Hong Kong. As one of the most coveted awards worldwide, its winner receives both cash prize as well as access to HK’s premier research facilities. Competition for this coveted honor can be fierce; therefore it is essential that applicants study hard and participate in extracurricular activities to increase their odds of success. The prize fund of US$100,000. It is funded through bets made at HKJC with 54% of profits going directly into it; any leftover funds are distributed among various taxes and causes. In recent years, this prize has been bestowed upon individuals in many fields, from scientists and athletes to athletes, authors and public figures. Most winners of the hk Prize have made significant contributions to society by advocating for social justice or creating new scientific tools; each winner of the prize is selected by an impartial jury not related to sponsorship or ad hoc committees so as to ensure that it truly merits being bestowed upon them. Nominees for the Hong Kong Prize this year include activists fighting for freedom and democracy in Hong Kong; some of whom have been arrested or sentenced to prison time but remain committed to their cause. Others work towards social justice – like founding nonprofits providing shelter to homeless adults or providing journalism coverage of human rights abuses in China, or professors developing liquid biopsy to detect cancer earlier. To qualify for the Hong Kong Prize, applicants must submit a research article that fulfills a series of criteria. It must be either clinical (including prospective or retrospective clinical trials), observational, epidemiological, or basic science research and must not be reviewed or published as letters-to-the-editor. Those looking to compete should visit the official website and familiarise themselves with all rules and regulations prior to submitting an entry. The Hong Kong Prize provides young writers an ideal platform to hone their writing skills and gain recognition within the writing industry. While highly competitive, this contest can be worth your while if you possess talent and determination – plus it provides an amazing way to explore Asia and its rich culture! To maximize success and maximize enjoyment from participating, please read and abide by all rules and guidelines before submitting an entry – good luck!

The Domino Effect

A domino is a small rectangular block made of wood or sometimes clay or plastic used to mark the start of an event sequence. Additionally, this term describes both the object itself and the game played with such blocks: one player must lay out dominoes (also referred to as “bones” or “pieces”) so their open ends match perfectly when placed one on top of another; every domino stacked upon another contains an indication of its place within an overall domino chain when placed upon top. Dominoes can often start out as small chains of just a few pieces, but over time can grow to encompass thousands of them and even full rows! As such, this symbolic game offers powerful analogies for real-life situations. The domino effect refers to a chain of reactions caused by one event or setback, including unfavorable actions with lasting repercussions for others and institutions – for instance if someone were to steal an artist’s painting and cause irreparable harm in both his reputation and that of the community at large. Another prime example is how the collapse of an investment bank can have serious repercussions for an entire financial sector. Lehman Brothers bankruptcy set off a chain reaction of other banks merging or purchasing rivals resulting in devastating economic repercussions for millions of people worldwide. Playing dominoes can not only provide entertainment, but they are also an invaluable teaching tool for math and counting. Players can explore addition and subtraction while engaging in games of Bergen or Muggins where winning depends on which partner has the highest total combined spot count on remaining dominoes. Dominoes can also be used to illustrate fundamental physics principles, including inertia and conservation of energy laws. A physicist from the University of Toronto demonstrated this with dominoes arranged upright to generate potential energy; when they collapse and fall to their respective surfaces they release this potential energy as they slide against each other and the surface beneath. As you plot out a novel, keeping in mind the domino effect can help create an engaging narrative. Each scene domino may seem inconsequential at first, but when connected together can kick-start an intricate chain reaction and advance the plotline of your tale. No matter if you write off-the-cuff or carefully plan every aspect of your novel; using the domino effect helps answer one of the key questions: “What will happen next?” Here’s how.


November 2023


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