Hong Kong Pools

An afternoon dip in one of Hong Kong’s premier pools is the ideal way to break up an otherwise long and hot summer day. From practicing diving skills or simply swimming laps, these stunning waters provide breathtaking views of this vibrant city.

While swimming, you can even get in a good workout! These pools offer different depths and temperatures so that you can find your ideal workout – plus, they’re open year-round so you can indulge whenever the mood strikes!

Public swimming pools usually feature changing rooms equipped with showers, lockers, sauna and steam rooms as well as towel rentals at an additional fee, or bring your own towel for free use. You may also purchase drinks and snacks at the snack bar or purchase lifeguard services during open swimming times; in many instances swimming lessons for both children and adults may also be provided at certain pools.

Hong Kong’s two most-popular public pools are YMCA Bridges Street Centre and Hammer Hill Pool, the former offering both indoor and outdoor pools; the latter, ideal for families with young children, boasting multiple water slides and fountains for playtime.

The YMCA Bridges Street Centre offers an older but well-kept pool located centrally. Ideal for those seeking a less hectic experience than some larger pools in the area, its indoor and outdoor pools come complete with playground equipment for children as well as a snack bar for refreshments!

Price can differ widely depending on where in the US you reside. An identical basic pool in Phoenix could cost significantly more than in Raleigh due to higher labor costs in that city. As with any significant purchase decision, always speak to multiple contractors and request written quotes before making your final decisions. Also keep in mind that the shell prices typically do not include installation or delivery fees which can add significant expenses onto a project’s overall costs.