How to Win the Sidney Prize

sidney prize

The Sydney Prize recognizes those who make a positive difference in society. It recognizes their hard work while inspiring others to follow in their footsteps. There are multiple paths available for winning this prestigious award; you simply must meet certain eligibility requirements to become eligible. Whether your passion lies within science or the arts, opportunities exist.

The Sidney Prize was first awarded in 2009, to recognize journalists and public figures who advance social justice and public policy for the greater good. Winners are selected on an ongoing basis from both traditional and new media; these can include publications in an American magazine or newspaper, news website or blog, broadcast on American television or radio channels or books.

Established to honor Dartmouth College professor Sidney Cox’s literary talent and ability to inspire his students towards realizing their dreams, the Sydney Prize has become an avenue for students in many creative pursuits. Established by Dartmouth’s Sidney Cox Committee to celebrate his literary talent and encourage his students towards realizing their ambitions, undergraduate writing on any topic or in English may be submitted each year for review; manuscripts will then be judged by an impartial Committee member from Hanover willing to judge these manuscripts.

Sophia Jactel of Syracuse University won this year’s Sydney Prize with her paper entitled, “Domesticity and Diversions: Josef Israels’ The Smoker as a Symbol of Peasant Culture and Role of Home in Nineteenth-Century Holland.” Her research into Israels’ print contributed to an exhibition at Syracuse University Art Gallery’s Art Gallery about domesticity; last fall she collaborated with fellow art history majors in curating Domesticities: The Art of Daily Life at MoMA.

Each year, the Sydney Peace Prize honors a nominee who champions “peace with justice”, human rights, and nonviolence – this year it went to Iranian-born actress and activist Nazanin Boniadi who received this prestigious accolade.

Event Cinemas Rising Talent Award offers an emerging filmmaker working in short film a cash prize of $7,000. At an awards ceremony held in Sydney, the recipient will be recognized and receive an original trophy created by local artist Sally McKay – this event is proudly supported by Event Cinemas as well as presented by Australia Council for the Arts, NSW Department of Culture and the Arts, and Screen NSW.

The Sidney Powers Memorial Medal is the AAPG’s highest achievement award. Each year it recognizes outstanding contributions and achievements in petroleum geology advancement, honoring those whose efforts have made lasting contributions to petroleum geology. Nominations open in January of each year and close March. Nominations must be approved by three APS members and be received before this deadline to be considered for consideration.